Friday, March 17, 2006

One reason I love Alabama

So it may have its drawbacks, but look at how pretty this is. I took this out the window of a van, somewhere around Coffeeville, coming back from my disaster volunteers meeting in Butler, Alabama this week. Although there may be buildings, subdivisions, and other development around it, there is still some natural beauty to be seen in Alabama. It's something I hope we never lose completely. Alabama really is a pretty place. I used to hate living here, but as I've gotten older, I've come to really appreciate the Southern lifestyle. We're a lot more advanced and progressive than people think, and we really do have a lot to offer. My hometown is having its annual Arts and Crafts festival this weekend and I can't wait to go. I'll take some pics and post them, I'm sure. It's my favorite Springtime event, and every year it just gets better. Who knows, this year I may even buy something! :)

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